Road Trip 101: Food (Green in 365)

Our family travels! We don’t go to exotic places but we are always on the move exploring/learning/growing as a group! Sometimes we are gone for a few weeks at a time and sometimes it is just a day trip . . . but I always pack my own food for traveling. This is why:

  1. Less Waste: Our family typically buys in bulk, it makes sense for us to package our own snacks in the correct amount for each child. My 11 year old eats more than my 5 year old and I’m able to accommodate each child’s eating needs/likes. I pack sandwiches in tupperware/bento boxes and we also use the container as a plate–eating fast food that slides off the paper wrapper or eating out of a bag isn’t something that I want to model as normal behavior.  We pack our own reusable water bottles–I feel good about not putting 6 cups/straws and plastic lids into the environment.
  2. Expense: If I take the 6 of us through a drive thru–it can be $30 easily.  So instead I pack sandwiches, crunchy chips or popcorn, a little sweet–cookies, and we drink water on the road. I use the leftover Pringle container for the pretzels so they don’t get smashed. I pack apples and watermelon/melon in glass containers so they won’t get smashed. I’m able to provide real food cheaper than processed food more expensively.
  3. Healthier: Did I just say Pringles?  and now I’m saying Healthier?

Read on at Live Renewed!  Greenin365-button150

I would love to hear your travel stories–the Good, the Bad and the Ugly!  Come on over to Live Renewed and leave a comment!

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