Dreading your Kids Birthday Party?

What makes a great party?

Seriously!  Is it the decorations?  The event or the food and the people!

Food, Friends and Cake

As a kid I loved my birthday!  A cake and ice cream!  A simple celebration of my birth.  I am continuing that simple celebration with my kids as well.  For their birthday they get to:  pick out the cake, pick out dinner, and pick out a fun family activity to do.  My husband has also starting taking the kids out to breakfast on the weekend nearest their birthday–he came up with that sweet idea and the kids LOVE it.


Parental Agreement

My husband and I made a choice not to have our kids go to every party they were invited to–not because we don’t enjoy a party–but we think that a birthday celebration should be more than goodie bags, tons of toys, and the stress of making it party perfect!  (I didn’t have Pinterest when my kids were smaller, thank goodness!) We let our kids decide if they want to go and then take them shopping to buy the gift, make the card.  We don’t make them go just because they are invited.  I think this develops a deeper sense of autonomy–that will hopefully show them that saying no–even to a party is ok.

[Tweet “Teach kids to say no–even to a simple birthday party. Teach them there is no fear of missing out! Let’s not create more MOFO’s.”]

I did want my kids to have a social event near their birthday where they could invite kids equal to their age–for my son’s 5th birthday he had 5 friends.  I didn’t count siblings of those friends.  I asked that parents bring cards but no gifts.  The intentions was set to have a great time without gifts (sort of like Thanksgiving–a great meal and family without gift drama :-)

I loved this cake--crushed oreos for the eyes!  "Adorbs" is what my daughter said!
I loved this cake–crushed oreos for the eyes! “Adorbs” is what my daughter said!

Party Ideas

Water party:  water balloons, hoses, a tiny baby pool that was supposed to be a sink or float game they became very creative, more water balloons, water balloon basketball and baseball.  The kids had a great time spraying each other, make a sprinkler obstacle course and trying to “catch” water in a cup.

Book exchange:  We have had many party’s where everyone brought a book and went home with a book.  I have had themed book parties like Fancy Nancy–where the kids dressed up fancy, I made “fancy food” and used big words. A spin on this party is to take up a collection of books for a classroom at school–one teacher was starting a new unit on bugs so everyone brought a book, signed it and then decorated a gift bag.  As the kids get older they begin to enjoy the idea of being phinanthropic.

Yabba's Barge--ok, having never actually seen Star Wars--they were happy with it.
Yabba’s Barge–ok, having never actually seen Star Wars–they were happy with it.

Animal Food Drive:  My daughter had an idea that she wanted to raise money for our local humane society.  A great idea but tricky for a 7 year old to do–so she asked if she could have a “party” near her birthday to celebrate her love of animals!  I thought that was a great idea–so we had “puppy chow” for snack and they watched a movie.  This was the simplest party and she had tons of dog and cat food for the shelter!

I love planning parties that are fun, low key, low cost, low waste but BIG on building memories.  I’ve had Valentine Making Parties, Bowling Parties, a “Thanksgiving” Party where the kids made thank you cards to use throughout the year, End of the School year ice cream making parties–simple ways to get kids together without the expectation of gifts, a bouncy house, and pony rides!

cupcakes in the shape of an 8!
cupcakes in the shape of an 8!

When I started out as a Mom I thought I wanted huge birthday celebrations but as my family grew my desire for bigger is better changed to a more simple approach to birthdays!  

Have your expectations changed? Do you celebrate big or simple?



Plan your party with L.O.V.E.– use local stores, original ideas, vibrant colors and Eat cake!

(Note:  these photos were not actually intended to be on the blog . . . family album photos are not the same as blog photography–I’m ok with that, I hope you are too!)

Be Blessed.





2 Comments Add yours

  1. Despite having 5 kids, we’ve never done a kids-only party, only family birthday parties. The kids have been asking so next school year I will start doing them as small parties.

    1. Renee says:

      Barb–we only do a friend party every few years. I would much rather have a Valentine’s making party or a Thanksgiving card party. I like the idea of being social but without the expectation of gifts!

      Be Blessed.

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