Are you ready for this week’s video?
Well, I made two–because I deleted the first one on accident! Uggh.
Honestly, I think the second one is actually better. I have been making these stuffed sweet potatoes. I saw a post on Pinterest and thought it looked like a neat idea–but the one I saw wasn’t vegan so I decided I would convert the recipe.
I roasted the sweet potatoes by:
- wash the potatoes
- put on a baking sheet (no oil)
- put in cold oven
- turn oven on to 400
- set timer for an hour
That’s it! The beauty is that you can eat them right away or not. You can stuff them and reheat the next night. You could even make a bunch and then make muffins! Have I convinced you to go out and buy some sweet potatoes?
Earlier this week I wrote this post about my beloved sweet potatoes!
Be Blessed.
P.S. Did you know you can follow me on Pinterest and Instagram? I often post “my vegan lunch” or “my vegan dinner”–because some meals do not lend themselves to a recipe and are really more of a connection!