I get the mail, stop off at the recycling bin, unload the junk and bring the “important” stuff in. Then where does it go? In the old house–Oh, how I’m getting tired of hearing myself say that! It is like trying to translate slang into another language . . . my old way of doing…
Tag: 31 days of honesty
10/26/12 Frugal Friday Deals
This week I found some great deals in our local Dominicks store–to be honest and this is my 31 days of honest . . . I’ve been a little uninspired in the kitchen so I go “trolling” for ideas. For those of you who have not grown up fishing–“trolling” is a way of catching fish,…
26/31 days of honest and FMF: voice
Go: I’m loud. You can hear my voice–a few streets over. Every morning. “get in the car” God, it is the same everyday–why can’t my kids just listen to me? Oh, it is the same for me everyday too (you want me to listen too)–thanks God for the reminder. Tomorrow morning it will be different….