25/31 days of being honest: loss

How do you feel when something is taken from you? Tragically taken, a husband, a mother, a father a sister, a brother, your child. My husband I and met later in life.  My husband and I wanted to have a boatload of kids.  That didn’t happen.  We have four beautiful kids and two angel babies….

24/31 days of being honest: The Basement Museum

This was my first post about my basement project and what has now become my Basement Therapy Project!  I wrote this a little over a year ago.  Notice that in the blog my goal was to have it done by Christmas–I didn’t say Christmas of any specific year! Enjoy. We have been in our house…

23/31 days of honest: vision boards

Last night I gave a small talk to 5 very different women–all linked by our faith.  I stayed up long after they left my messy basement. I talked (probably too much) about how I would collect magazine pages of “things” that made my heart sing.  I didn’t know why I liked these pictures but I…