7/31 days of Honest: Perspective

(I wrote this on Saturday–because Sunday is a stay home day of “rest”). Today as I was driving to get my kids under armour shirts–these fancy shirts that they wear under their soccer jerseys to keep them warm . . .  I saw a woman on a bike. I recognized this women because a few…

6/31 days of Honest: Helping a brother

Winter is here!  My pumpkin patch is ready to harvest and my daughter picked the tomatoes that were ripe . . . and the rest will hopefully stay nice on the vine until Wednesday–our church host a shelter every Wednesday–and fresh, home grown tomatoes on the salads would be great! I do love winter–I love…

FMF: Honest + Welcome

Today I’m melding a 5 minute Friday with being a 31 dayer (writing for 31 days on one topics)–today’s challenge is Welcome (FMF) and Honesty (31 days). Go: Welcome–I think of the song we sing in church “all are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place.  But me being, well, Me–I get…