Salad 101 Creating a vegan style salad is super easy! Here are my go-to ingredients to a new and exciting salad each night. (Please feel free to add your rave fave salads in the comments! If you are a food blogger please, please, please add a link so we can all have some groovy green love.)…
Tag: kale
We are ALL Vegans!
What is a Vegan anyway? The term vegan was coined in 1944 by Donald Watson when he co-founded the Vegan Society in England, at first to mean “non-dairy vegetarian” and later to refer to “the doctrine that man should live without exploiting animals.” “I don’t eat meat.” is my simple answer. Often times it instantly throws people into a tail spin….
How to Prepare Kale (teaching video)
I love talking about food and I love getting questions from people I meet. Just the other day, an older woman and I both were looking for beets–so I took the lead and asked the produce man if he had more in the back? While we waited I struck up a conversation. (because I am…