Top 10 After School Snacks (#4 is my favorite)

When I have kids in “school” I pick them up and bring them home–no bus service–so I like to have snack on the table when they come home.  If it is a year that I am homeschooling than we usually end our day with a snack and tea or juice from our juicer! These are…

How to Create a Living Centerpiece (Green in 365)

Today I have the great opportunity to contribute to Live Renewed.  Emily has a fantastic series going–I have learned tons so far this year.  Check it out! This is Day 92 of the Green in 365 series! By Renee from Joyful Mom: When my son was just an infant a Mom friend came over to visit. She…

27/31 day of honesty: kitchen hub

I get the mail, stop off at the recycling bin, unload the junk and bring the “important” stuff in. Then where does it go? In the old house–Oh, how I’m getting tired of hearing myself say that!  It is like trying to translate slang into another language . . . my old way of doing…