I’ve been absent for Joyful Mom! I’ve been Joyful in other places :-) We have been purging the house. It didn’t actually start out as a plan. It wasn’t on the calendar. It just has sort of “happened.” Last week my daughter said “I can’t put my clothes away!!!” and I was thinking “no…
Tag: organizing
My Creative Home
In my mind I have an awesome home–the counters are always clear and shiny, the floors always have those fresh vacuum lines, the clothes are always put neatly in drawers, my bathrooms smell clean and a bit like bleach (even though I don’t use bleach anymore), the sun shines through windows without fingerprints, my kitchen…
21/31 days of honesty: not a quiet Sunday
I like to take Sunday off–I only check email in the am when I wake up and right before I to bed–in case of a school related issue. I don’t answer email. I do answer a text if it is about something that is happening the next day or from my close friend (we often…