Techno Green: Kindle= 2 Free Books and a Giveway!

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My husband likes to read (UNDERSTATEMENT).  He will read, books, magazines, those magazines in metal bins as you walk into grocery stores (topic does NOT matter) . . . any flyer.  You get the idea.

So for Father’s Day I thought it would be fun to get him a kindle.  I went into the store, flyers in hand (in case I needed to show proof of the deal match) thinking about the cheapest one but . . . came out with a Fire.  I thought the kindle Fire would be much more versatile and the kids could use it too.

Honestly, I did not think I would touch the thing beyond the initial set up.

Why?  Who wouldn’t love a kindle Fire?  Me.  I don’t read.  I read skim articles that my husband shows me.  I read for my writing.  It is not that I don’t like reading–I don’t like sitting!  But now things are different . . .

The reason I like to read on the Kindle is because I’m a gadget girl.  I love things to help get something else done–and it if saves me time and effort–this is perfect.  That is what my husband’s kindle is to me–a cool gadget that saves me time (by going to bookstores–of which there are not many close by) and I totally groove on the fact that I can have a book delivered wirelessly in a minute and then cloud it to all my devices!!!

Now I can pick up the iPad, my phone, the Kindle and even my computer and read a book!  or magazine.  Magazines on the kindle are so cool– some have little videos built right in!  I really don’t sit very often–so the kindle is perfect when I’m stuck in the car line waiting to pick up the kids, during the hours and hours a week that I’m sitting waiting for speech therapy, occupational therapy or sports to start or end.  I’ve found that I enjoy reading.  I have dedicated this “down” time to reading.  (although my knitting is sad about that . . . )

Another thing about the kindle is that when I’m waiting and reading–I have an entire bookshelf to pick from.  I have cookbooks, God books, Mommy books . . . no matter what my mood is I have a book.

One more thing about the Kindle is the “prime” function.  Amazon has a “prime membership”, that gives lots of little perks–mainly a lending library–so I can “borrow/read” one book at a time–FOR FREE!!!

(have I made you go crazy with “just one more thing!” can you tell I’m excited!)

Tons of these books are free–now it does take me forever to read a book–so if I have a book checked out–no one else in the family can check one out–if this ends up being a problem I “return” it.  Then I get who ever wants another book and we cycle through again.

This past weekend I worked more on the basement!  I went through about 50 magazines and books–I ended up getting rid of most.  (yeah for me and my clutter issues)  For me, seeing books on a shelf=time to myself.  I’ve always wanted more time to just sit and be–a challenge for me.  The kindle keeps the book number under control and the physical clutter under control as well.  (I have 3 more book shelves to go in the basement purge–I CAN DO IT)!  Of course this is somewhat of a mind game I play with myself–the house is not cluttered with so many books/magazines and when I glance at the kindle I know I still have my “stuff” and it is ready for me to enjoy.

A couple of other cool things about the kindle are:

  • it is backlit so I can read at night after the hot flashes wake me up!  and I can’t go back to sleep.
  • I can increase the font size–my eyes apparently are the first thing to go!
  • the kids can watch a movie often times for FREE!
  • I can load apps
  • I can check my mail, Facebook, and the weather
  • it has a Reader on it–so I can have all my favorite blogs in one spot–huge time saver
  • new release books can be ordered and automatically downloaded on the release date!
  • search “free kindle books”–how easy is that!  Now some of the books are not what I would read but . . . I have found plenty that I like.

I love my husband’s kindle.  It saves me time, money, clutter and has renewed my enjoyment of reading!  So to celebrate a techo way to be green:

I’ll like to offer a Thirty-one Fold and Go Organizer w/notepad–in Say it Taupe!   The kindle fits in the pocket of this very handy dandy organizer.

AND tell you about these two free books available on kindle for 11/20/12 (Recipe for Good) and 11/21/12 (Surviving and Thriving).  Happy reading!

Surviving and Thriving: 21 Tips for First Year Teachers by Tessa Hardiman (Kindle Edition -Nov 16, 2012) – Kindle eBook

Recipe for Good: How to Give with Intention, Become a Food Philanthropist, and Change the World [Kindle Edition] Nicole Gulotta (Author)

If you click on the word giveaway it will take you to the  place you need to be to enter!  a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday Greens,

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Rita Rackmil says:

    LOVE your thoughts about this! If you bought this for your husband, when does he get to use it? or did he buy you a matching one? I smiled when I read that your knitting is sad!

    1. renee says:

      He gets first dibs!!! but move your feet, lose your seat (or kindle) in this house.

      I smile when I think of you smiling.

      Folks who may be reading this–Rita has the biggest, happiest smile I have ever seen–you can’t NOT smile back. She is amazing and I miss her–a LOT.

      Be Blessed.

      1. Rita Rackmil says:


  2. Brianna VanValin says:

    I LOVE our kindle! My only problem is that we fight over who gets to use it :) another great resource for free e-books is They have new ones up almost every day. It is kind of hit-or-miss, but if you keep an eye out, there are some really good ones sometimes!

    1. renee says:

      Great ideas Brianna! I will check that out! Keep your eye out for mini ipad giveaways! then load the kindle app! I’m sure you can win one!!!

      Be Blessed.

  3. Dana Delaney says:

    I love to read but find chores get in the way…either those, or a crochet project. Not brave enough to learn to knit yet.

    1. renee says:

      I’ll teach you when I come to visit ;-)

  4. carryitagain says:

    Kindle to save money? We don’t have a Kindle, but we do have an iPad. I can read books on it as well, with the Kindle App. Kindle books are less $ than paper ones, plus I don’t pay shipping. So, if I need a book to keep (as opposed to borrowing from the library), I prefer a Kindle version. Less $, fewer natural resources.

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