Week 5-8 on $aving Money and 2 free books


It all started when a friend and I gave a talk at the Moms group about couponing and saving money . . . then I was asked to give another talk with a slide show presentation.  I had everything ready to go and then it was cancelled.  I was disappointed but then figured I would just do a weekly series on my blog using the slide presentation as my outline.

I wrote and wrote with little stories but then I lost interest.  Not exactly lost interest in the topic but I found I wanted to write about other things.  I’m also someone who wants to finish what they start.  There was also another component to me stopping.  I didn’t like how I felt–telling people how they could save money.  I felt like I was imposing my values rather than just presenting facts.  My intention was just to put ideas out there of how I save and how some of my friends save money . . .

I think I started second guessing myself when so many people were so negative on a personal level.  I thought “really?  over organic milk and veggies?” so I have decided that I will combine the last 4 weeks into one post and make it a top ten list.   I will have a sense of accomplishment and will be able to move on without the post lurking and I won’t mention saving money again unless someone asks me.

So here are the last of the series in a top ten list!

  1. Get a Target Red card and use it to save 5% on everything.
  2. Plant your favorite food in your back yard.  I’m grow organic zucchini in a container then I eat it and shred it and freeze it.
  3. Use the CVS and Walgreens options wisely.  They have these incentives that allow for “bucks” and you can spend them on what you wish.  I don’t do this but I have a friend who “cleans up” doing it.
  4. Make a list of things you know you will need in the future and look for those on clearance–school supplies, Lysol wipes, Ziploc bags, canning jars . ..
  5. Kindle free books are out there all the time (another book).  Kindle often has books free for a day and then back to normal price.  I “bought” both of these books and then they sit on the Kindle until I have time.
  6. Plan and make meals for the freezer.  I make meals out of clearance or 50% off items–lasagna and apple sauce are two things that I try to have on hand.  Having one meal a week come out of the freezer–I find that hugely helpful.
  7. Learn what you can cook from scratch–do you have a bread machine “somewhere”, make beans and then freeze them for soups or dips, homemade popsicles–I asked myself what items do we plow through that I could make?  Cookies, muffins, cupcakes–freeze them and then frost them when they thaw (but I love frozen cake and frozen chocolate . . . my dentist already knows–he has had to do a few fix it jobs).
  8. Hang your clothes out to dry and then fluff them at the end.  I do this year round.
  9. Think about your cleaning supplies and then try baking soda, vinegar, homemade laundry detergent and see how much you save.  I’ve tried to be more natural in my cleaning but I still love my bleach!  Not gonna lie–nothing smells cleaner.
  10. Think about buying in bulk for meat and joining a CSA–community supported agriculture.

Thanks so much for letting me slide on those last posts.  I’m sure I will add my stories as this blog evolves and I talk more about eating with whole foods and how I grew up on a farm.

Be Blessed.

I’m linking up with these wonderful blogs–thanks so much!

11 Comments Add yours

  1. Love these tips! I especially love the cooking tips. It’s so great to make things ahead to have on hand when you have a crazy week. And homemade bread? LOVE it, and discovered it keeps longer in you refrigerate it!
    Linking up from GDWJ,

    1. renee says:

      Thanks–I want to write more food/cooking posts, especially crock pot ideas. Be blessed.

  2. ljbmom says:

    Such wonderful tips! We started a raised bed garden two years ago and nothing makes me happier than growing my own stuff. Good thoughts.

    1. renee says:

      I found you in spam too! I grew up on a farm with a couple acre “garden” in addition to the crops–so my tiny spot seems to pale in comparison but I enjoy it. I just bought organic tomatos from the farmers market for homemade canned spag sauce–I’ll post it in a few days. Be Blessed.

  3. I’ve tried lots of different ways to save money and stuck with the ones I liked. We just bought 1/4 of a cow processed. I’m wanting to join a CSA, but my hubby isn’t convinced we will eat everything they grow. I’ve also started cleaning with vinegar and baking soda–I’ve found it very effective! And I can’t stand the smell of bleach! ha!

    1. Renee says:

      We have a CSA that delivers! I love it–I make crock pots bags–I will have 2-3 ziplock bags that I keep adding to as I go–like if I have 2 carrots left over I blanch them and then put in the freezer bag–when it is stew/soup time I have it ready to go.

  4. Tereasa says:

    I enjoyed your advice and am thankful for it! I am sorry the series didn’t go as well as you hoped. Sometimes, people don’t remember they’re talking to real people in the comment boxes.

    1. renee says:

      Thanks–I love to write about these things.

  5. Lots of good ideas, thinking. Thanks.

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