What is home?

I like to explore.  I like adventure.  My dream is to live in a caravan and travel between my kids homes.  When I’m too old to drive–they will need to drive me to the next kid’s driveway and park me.  I don’t want a fancy caravan–just enough.  I think about those days when I lived out of my Ford Ranger–with my cat, Alex.  Even though my life was in turmoil, I felt a sense of safety in the solitude and the ability to “run” when things got tough.

To say that I moved a lot would be a misnomer.  I would say that I drifted.

My husband I have spent the bulk of our lives living in Ann Arbor, Michigan (after moving 5 times to 4 states and ending up back where we met).  It is a few miles from the tiny town that I grew up in.

Ann Arbor is still home to me.  One day I’ll do a top ten post (knowing that I can’t keep it down to ten).  We moved over a year ago now and I love, love, love my new house, I’ve met some women that I can consider part of my “sisterhood”–thanks to a special group of women who taught me what a true sisterhood looked like.  I’m active in my church and the schools that my kids go to and dream of starting my own coop.  I am embracing the opportunities here that I never had “at home”.

Yet, it still doesn’t feel like home.  But when I go back “home” that doesn’t feel like home either.  When I go to the cabin–that still feels like home to me.  It always has.

Often times I still feel like I’m drifting.  I am lost.  Still searching . . . chasing after my soul’s delight.

Do you feel this way?  How do you make it feel like home?

Be Blessed.  I’m praying for all of those in our community and communities everywhere that have people like you and I who are homeless.

Thought Provoking Thursday, imperfect prose, thoughtful thursday, thankful thursday, life in bloom, thrive at home on Thursday

4 Comments Add yours

  1. dirtdiva17 says:

    I often feel the same way. We have lived in this community for a little over 11 years now and it doesn’t feel like home. Ironically what feels like home is not where the town where I grew up in, where my parents still live, but it is the area that we only lived for 5 years. It was where I connected most with people and where my daughter was born.
    Maybe someday we will move back. Until then this is where we need to be and that is what I focus on. :)

  2. Alecia says:

    I think I left a comment, but it didn’t show up, so I’m gonna do it again just in case :)
    Somehow I think we are supposed to feel this way, like this nowhere is really home, because Heaven is where we belong. The only place I really feel at home is wherever my family is.

    1. renee says:

      well put. I do feel best when I’m with my hubby and kids–no matter where we are.

      Be blessed.

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