Do you use labels for people?
I do. We love to give titles. SAHM, WAHM, Nurse, Dentist, School Volunteer, Lunchroom Mom, Lawyer, Soccer Mom, . . . the list is never-ending. Then we attach expectations to those labels and titles. Then we feel like we need to live up to those titles. Then we lose ourselves and others lose site of who really are and treat us based on a word or words. I have a new title–I’ll get to that in a sec.

If you have been following along on the blog–finding my purpose has been a big part of what I write about. It is where I’m at in my discovery process. I had an entire life of work and play before I had kids. I’ve been a 24/7 Mom for the last 12 years and now I’m feeling like maybe, just maybe I can exchange my diaper changing moments with writing about life changing moments!

I’m a Mom in the Middle!
That is my title at this moment. MITM!
- My kids aren’t babies but they aren’t grown either.
- I don’t have a desire to work full-time but I want my work to be more than volunteer.
- I’m not as skinny as I was in the past but I’m not as big as I was (just a few months ago)!!!
- I’m not running 5 minute miles anymore but I’m happy with 12 minute miles.
- I don’t have a changing table but we still need stools for little ones to reach the faucet.
- Our bathroom is filled with bath toys, anti-pimple scrub and wet towels on the floor.
- In not a “new” mom anymore but I still have so much to learnWhen I was pregnant–I read books telling me the day eyelashes developed . . . now I read books by Emily Freeman Grace for the Good Girl: Letting Go of the Try-Hard Life
and Holley Gerth You’re Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be
I love being a Mom In The Middle!
Did I say love? What I really meant is that I am warming up to the idea of having my babies grow up (not changing diapers), to having some time for me, to contemplate what is next. It is a little scary!
What title would you give yourself? Are you a Mom In The Middle? or do you remember being a MITM–did you embrace it?
Be Blessed on your journey.
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