Opportunity: Five Minute Friday

On Friday’s I write along with a slew of other writers–Five Minute Friday.  It’s fun for me to write, fun to read what other people have written, only takes 5 minutes of writing (no editing), which also means that it should only take a few minutes to read several other fellow writers (I often get caught up in reading and commenting . . .).

Here I go . . .

Opportunity:  For me opportunity means having a choice to do something with what God gave you.  to try something, to begin and decide to change half way through.

Opportunity is NOT chance.  Opportunity is an idea that you run with.

Last night I wrote about Mrs. Harwood and how she had an opportunity to change my life.

I also wrote about my intention for the new year.  I wanted to write more so I went in this direction and have had my own level of success.

For me having an opportunity is taking what God gives me . . . working with it and then giving it back.

Be Blessed.

STOP  (I so spell check–because I am the worst speller ever!)

Mrs. Mary Harwood, Crustless Quiche, Impossible Pie (printable recipes)

When I was really young–maybe 8.  We stayed with a family–the Harwood’s.  My Mom was off with her new husband, my brother and I left behind–and it worked out for the best really.  Mrs. Harwood taught me how to sew–I made a wrap skirt, to knit (again–but I didn’t stick with it), to do every kind of needle work imaginative.  Mary Harwood had lots of plants and a little room just off the dining area where she “worked” at being a mom.  She was so happy being home and serving her family (and ours).  She was an amazingly creative women–gentle and kind.  She was the opposite of my mother.

(Ok–before everyone starts getting mad for thinking I’m bashing my Mom–I’m not–I’m just evolved enough now to know, what I needed and what she could give, did NOT match up.  That is all I’m saying).

Mrs. Harwood cooked simple meals.  Mrs. Harwood was always cooking, baking or kneading something . . . the kitchen was warm from the old stove and smelled awesome.  (no wonder I’m big–food is my comfort happy place.)

These are two of her recipes–crustless Quiche and impossible coconut pie AND what my family is having for dinner!

the filling

the filling

then add the cheese

then add the cheese

the eggs, milk and Bisquick with a little seasoning

the eggs, milk and Bisquick with a little seasoning

love the crunchy topping

love the crunchy topping

served with a salad

served with a salad




Crustless Quiche

4 eggs

1 cup of cheese

1/2 cup Bisquick

1 1/2 cups of milk

1-3 cups of veggies and or meat.  Tonight I have peppers, onions, ham, broccoli and I forgot the mushrooms!

I saute the meat and veggies . . . meanwhile . ..

I mix the milk and bisquick.  I layer cheese over the  fixin’s in the pan and add the milk mixture.

Oven 350 for an hour or so . . . depends on how much stuff I add.

This recipe works well reheated so often I’ll make it in the afternoon and serve later in the night or when I did the Atkins diet I made it and reheated in the morning.





Coconut Impossible Pie

Bake 350 for 1 hour

1 cup coconut (I used sweetened–because that is what I had)

3/4 cup sugar

1/2 cup Bisquick

1/2 stick of butter (I melted mine–by accident–but it should work)

2 cups of milk

4 eggs

Grease your pie plate, mix it all up and put it in the oven.  If you want to add cinnamon to it that might be nice or add some chocolate chips to the top 1/2 way through the cooking.  (If you add them in the beginning they will sink and burn on the bottom–yuck.)


before baking

before baking

it smells so good!

it smells so good!

plated and ready to go!

plated and ready to go!

I lost track of Mrs. Harwood through the years–I have a letter she wrote me on my wedding and that was the last time I think I heard from her.  What I’m learning is that sometimes we are meant to be flow through others lives and leave and impression.  Leave our goodwill.  Leave a joyful memory.  Leave a smile.  How can I be a Mrs. Harwood to those I meet?

As I work with kids I wonder what my impact will be?  I wonder how many other girls Mrs. Harwood touch their lives?  or was it just me?  I wonder if Mrs. Harwood knew at the time how special she was to me?  As an adult I wrote her a long letter telling her how much she meant to me–I’m glad that I did.

This is what I read first thing in the morning and the last thing at night . . .

This is what I read the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night . . .

I suppose I could find her crafty daughters on Pinterest!  Maybe I’ll look them up?

Be Blessed.  I pray that we can all be a positive influence in someone’s life.

a craft party, a pinch of joy, tempt my tummy, thought provoking thursdays





24 hours (I might need more)

I have some very specific intentions for 2013.  I’ve been going over the list in my head of where I want this year to go, what do I want to accomplish and what am I already committed to . . . and what am I committed to that I no longer want to do.

What I want to do:

  1. Exercise everyday.  (I put a “start a marathon from nothing” app on my phone and we will see how that works–the last two times I trained for a full marathon–I became pregnant–obviously I have some training issues! I had to choose to quit training and focus on being pregnant–I’ve done 1/2 marathons before so I know that I can do it.)
  2. Eat less.
  3. Write 4 times a week on my blog.  Write one cook book.  Write an inquiry based unit.
  4. Finish the basement project–this is still a big job–emotionally!  My Mom has been gone over 10 years and I still miss . . . what could have been.  My intention for the basement is to be a place to hang out and be creative.

How will I get this done?  I desperately need a plan of action!

  1. Each day I get up at 5:15 and work out for 30-45 minutes.  That means that I really need to be in bed and sleeping by 10.  Ok–so my day starts at 5:15 am and ends at 10 pm.  This I know I can do!  I’m a morning person and I really do enjoy being out early in the morning . . . watching the sun come up.  But . . . I’ve been writing in the morning so I need to shift that.

    I walk this trail while we are on vacation.  Each time I walk it I am blessed to be in such a sacred place.

    I walk this trail while we are on vacation. Each time I walk it I am blessed to be in such a sacred place.

  2. I need to plan out my meals.  This is the only way that I will be able to do this.  We try to eat a whole foods diet in the house . . . I just eat way too much between 3 and 6 (seriously-but my problem is that I have no idea what I eat vs. what I cut up and someone comes to snitch off my plate that I have measured . . . so I get more).  I need to plan a snack at that time (just for me)–which does get tricky because on “game” nights we need to eat at 4:15–because we need to leave the house at 5!  Then we don’t come home until 7:30–then bed at 8 for the little kids, start homework, and get to bed and asleep by 10 (see #1).IMG_1251
  3. I will set times each day for:  writing, reading, email, Facebook and twitter.  It might be a block or a block for writing and 3, 15 minute blocks of time for the other.  I’m also taking Micheal Hyatt’s Get Published online course–need a little time for that and taking the Tribe Writers class over again as well . . .
  4. I think that I can get the basement project finished in 4, 8 hour days with my husband or another friend helping me make choices.  I know I want to have a place to sew and craft, I want  a fun place for us to have movie night . . . maybe even get a Wii thing?  As my kids get older their interests will change–they won’t play Little People forever, right?  I want a place that will grow with them.  My husband really needs a place/spot of his own so I would like this to be complete before the outdoor soccer season.
I knit during soccer games!

I knit during soccer games!

I see now what I need to do.  Get on Google calendar.  Make time and honor each of my intentions.

Did I mention that I also need to fit in sports, music, therapy, homeschool, away school, grocery shopping, food prep, cooking, cleaning to the schedule as well!  I better get busy!

I’ve also been thinking about obligations that no longer serve my intention.  I can’t just NOT do what I have promised but I can gracefully decline new volunteer opportunities.

How do people do it?  How do you do it?  I’d love to hear your ideas or you can link up your post in the comments.

Be Blessed as we keep our eyes on God in this swirling life!

I’m linking up with Mindy at Life in the Comments and Audra at Thrive @ Home.

Faith Filled Fridays, Titus Tuesdays, Growing Home, Time Warp Wife