Instagram Oatmeal L.O.V.E.!
Do you know I love oatmeal?
Do you know I love instagram?
I do.
Once upon a time I wanted to write a cookbook called Blessed by Breakfast. It is a great idea–not my own but Jack Kornfield and Oprah Winfrey. I was watching Super Soul Sunday and thinking about how blessed I am . . . as I was eating a bowl of oatmeal and crunchy toast. I am the Queen of Toast–don’t believe it–just take a look at my instagram feed-toast, toast, toast!
Anyway, I was sitting there thinking how blessed I am. How each day I can start new again. I mean, I still have the same wrinkles and a slew of other things going on–but each morning I get to set or reset my intention. I can start over. I can forgive myself for whatever crappy thing I did or said and begin to extend loving kindness again.
Some days are really good! I can go almost all day until I find myself not being gentle, loving, kind or respectful. Other days, not so much!
No matter how many times I mess up . . . I’m given another chance after the moon beams dance! (go ahead, tweet it!)
[Tweet “I’m given another chance after the moon beams dance!”]
Be Blessed as you eat and live with L.O.V.E., compassion, and gratitude.
oxox Renee
P.S. Check out my instagram or twitter or Facebook page Renee’s Kitchen . . . and Pinterest! And feel free to share! If you want a weekly love note–sign up! It’s about . . . well, it is a humorous interpretation of living life as a full time person with a focus on food, kids and whatever else happens during the week.
PP.SS. Take a look at this video on oatmeal, eggs and cigarettes! Pretty amazing!