Yesterday in Mass it was Titus 2 Day! After all of this time reading all of the blogs that support the premise of Titus 2–it was sort of weird to hear it in church.
To make the words come alive it was read by a young girl. As I was surrounded by my girls and all the other kids at Mass I was filled with hope and energy for the future–I didn’t see socks lying around, or spilled drinks, or homework not done . . . I saw life brimming over.
After Mass they asked me ONE question, “Mommy are you a mentor?”
I paused. Tried hard to be thoughtful. Tried double to be mentor-y. But I just felt like a Mom answering one of the thousand questions of the day . . . and realize that is Mentor Boot Camp!
I think that I am still more mentored–than mentoring.
Some women, I suppose, can be young and mentors BUT I find it hard for someone to tell me about marriage when their dress isn’t even back from the dry cleaners or take parenting advice from a women whose baby is still wet behind the ears. I understand their enthusiasm and excitement about their new roles–and they will need that on the hard days to come. (and they will come.–that’s my mentoring)
So I told them that I am what I am and some people ask me questions but I still see more answers. “Is that why you have so many chit chats?” sighing with dropped shoulders.
Yes, my girls. I have the chit chat to learn from other women, to connect, to understand, to be in communion with the sisterhood.
Be Blessed as you spend your day listening to your “sisters”. Allow yourself time to grow into a role of mentoring–God gives out wisdom in drops and grace by the bucketful–catch as much as you can!
Today I’m linking up with Thought provoking Thursday, Thoughtful Thursday, Leaving a legacy, multitudes on mondays
Even at my age I still need mentoring. I’m actively looking for those who are have already moved pass the empty nest to find out how to do it gracefully and Biblically–how to let go with open hands and joy in my heart. Do we really ever outgrow our need for mentoring? In my own mentoring I find the best way is authentically. It’s easy to look back with rose colored glasses but that doesn’t meet the need of a young mother needing an “I’ve been there” mentor. Excellent thoughts.
One of my mentors is at–she is awesome. I think it is hard to let ourselves be mentored–after being told that we need to be strong and “keep it all together”–then when our lives change we need to change too!
Be Blessed.
Hi there, thanks for visiting my blog today. What a very thought-provoking post! I don’t think I’ve done this enough myself, but trying to remedy the situation. I’ve learned a lot from other Christian women since I started blogging in January last year and I feel very blessed for this online sisterhood.
Nice to meet another RC lady…God bless!
I found you not because I clicked next to you BUT because I saw the monstrance! A beacon in more ways than one! Come back–I’m sure we have a lot to share!
Be Blessed.
I think we all need folks — way up ahead, a little ahead, in the same boat, a little behind us and a lot behind us. I think we need community with many ages & generations that can easily get lost in our age-segregrated society. I’m surprised when people say I am a mentor. For me, I think it boils down to being intentional in other’s lives either gaining wisdom from those ahead and also listening to those in a season coming up behind ups. Mentoring almost sounds too formal to me. Being intentional with people in different life seasons is important for us all.
Wow! you need to put that in a blog post! Being intentional is so very fundamental and so hard when life starts to spin!
Be Blessed.
what a good concept to address, friend. mentoring… i long to find a mentor. someone who can take me under my wing. but in the same sense, i think i have found it and just need to claim it in all of the relationships God has given me with women of all ages… bless you!
I have found that we need many mentors–women need to flow in and out of our lives and be a blessing to one another.
Be Blessed.
I know I will always need mentoring. There’s always so much to be learned. I have been finding myself in the role of a mentor for young college girls just recently, it’s quite a difference when the tables are turned. I am happy though to be used by God wherever He places me. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thank you for linking up with Leaving A Legacy.
Thanks for having your link up. I love spending time in your space. Having God as a boss is the best–isn’t it?
Be Blessed.