
Mommy, Are you a Mentor?

Yesterday in Mass it was Titus 2 Day!  After all of this time reading all of the blogs that support the premise of Titus 2–it was sort of weird to hear it in church.

To make the words come alive it was read by a young girl.  As I was surrounded by my girls and all the other kids at Mass I was filled with hope and energy for the future–I didn’t see socks lying around, or spilled drinks, or homework not done . . . I saw life brimming over.

After Mass they asked me ONE question, “Mommy are you a mentor?”



I paused.  Tried hard to be thoughtful.  Tried double to be mentor-y.  But I just felt like a Mom answering one of the thousand questions of the day . . . and realize that is Mentor Boot Camp!

I think that I am still more mentored–than mentoring.

Some women, I suppose, can be young and mentors BUT I find it hard for someone to tell me about marriage when their dress isn’t even back from the dry cleaners or take parenting advice from a women whose baby is still wet behind the ears.  I understand their enthusiasm and excitement about their new roles–and they will need that on the hard days to come.  (and they will come.–that’s my mentoring)

So I told them that I am what I am and some people ask me questions but I still see more answers.  “Is that why you have so many chit chats?” sighing with dropped shoulders.

Yes, my girls.  I have the chit chat to learn from other women, to connect, to understand, to be in communion with the sisterhood.

Be Blessed as you spend your day listening to your “sisters”.  Allow yourself time to grow into a role of mentoring–God gives out wisdom in drops and grace by the bucketful–catch as much as you can!

Today I’m linking up with Thought provoking Thursday, Thoughtful Thursday, Leaving a legacy, multitudes on mondays

31/31 days of honest: the end (and beginning)

I have watched this video by Ann Voskamp–several times.

This 22 minute video of a new DVD series sums up where I am right now–with my 31 days, with my blog, and with my life.

I want to take my faith to the next level, I want to open my hands fully to the heavens and catch grace, love, peace and feel joy–in every moment of my life.

I won’t lie about my weight.

I will embrace my heartache.

I want memories not perfection.

I will find my sisterhood.

I will try to understand my limits.

I will try not to yell at my kids to get in the car (or at other times).

I want to clear out all the extra stuff that does not add value to my life and that does not assist me in living an intentional life.

I have learned so much about myself in the past 31 days of honesty–I have referred to it as my basement therapy–my intention was to clear out the physical clutter in my basement–what happened is that I let go of old; pain, dreams, heartache, and a huge box of what ifs, could have’s and might’s.

Be Blessed today.

I’m linking up with Good Morning Girls, Walk With Him Wednesday, Whatever Works , Women Living Well, Work in Progress Fellowship Fridays

23/31 days of honest: vision boards

Last night I gave a small talk to 5 very different women–all linked by our faith.  I stayed up long after they left my messy basement.

I talked (probably too much) about how I would collect magazine pages of “things” that made my heart sing.  I didn’t know why I liked these pictures but I did.  I never really looked at the notebook–once I collected the picture and it was “safe” I just left it.

My suggestion to my friends was to just cut out things that they loved and didn’t know why–it was really interesting as we then talked about our boards as we were completed.  We all had similar visual images that made our individual hearts sing–but together it could have been a choir.

“I love paths!”

So do I!! we would chime in and talk about our “path” that speaks to us.

It really made me think that we really are on the same sorts of journeys–just at different spots along the road.

One of the themes that I saw among all of the boards is that within our own personal stories–we share chapters, pages, paragraphs, sentences and sometimes only a word–

if we let allow ourselves to share, open up and invite love into our lives.

I’m linking up with Barb here.