explaining your soul

Today is Saturday–I do not write on the weekends but today is a tribute to 2 things.  One is that both my daughters scored goals in soccer today.  They both wanted to “commemorate” the day with something special.  One wrote a beautiful entry in her gratitude journal about her goal.  I thought that was the…

I’m jealous of HER!

I am jealous of HER!  I am crazy competitive–maybe competitive is a better word?  It does really matter what I call it, label, fancy name–it is all the same.  I’m feeling jealous and it is a really ugly emotion and this isn’t how I want to feel. There is a women who I know but…

I’ll be at Target–crying!

(I wrote this post last night.  Now it is morning and I couldn’t sleep at all last night.  In the quiet of the night I realized that I’m just really afraid of losing my boy–how he is now.  This age is so much FUN!  I am so blessed that he is so awesome and I’m lacking…