Knowing when to leave

I celebrated my first child’s first birthday, the next day my Mom died, then we had a family birthday celebration with the Winnie the Pooh cake, then the funeral and then I found out I was pregnant the morning of the funeral.  For a month my Mom had been on me to take a pregnancy…

“you’re just a better mom”

“You are just a better Mom.”  Oh how I cringe when I hear those words.  I hear them a lot and I’m always uncomfortable about it.  It is a huge compliment. When my son asked “mom, what do you want to be when you grow up?” and I answered “I’ve always just wanted to be…

A Mother (in-law)’s Gift

I write a lot about how God is working in my life–or more often about how He is working in other people’s lives that directly affect me.  I believe that God is the master knitter and each stitch is meant to be such an important part of the covering he is creating–all the time. My…