Recipe of the Week–Vegan Ice Cream

Recipe of the Week! Vegan Ice Cream . . . Yes, I make amazing non dairy ice cream . . . In the old days, when I was a pastry chef, I made ice cream three days a week.  The Head Chef, Dan, allowed my imagination to run wild and create crazy combinations of all…

My Favorite Plum Market Salad

Plum Market in Ann Arbor . . .  is one of my favorite places to visit when I go home.  What’s not to love?  The produce is great–much of it is local, the beer and wine selection keeps my interest, the sushi is fresh and wonderful and the deli is awesome!  I’m a deli girl….

Asian Inspired Baked Potato

Asian Inspired Baked Potato I have a busy family.  4 kids in multiple overlapping sports, music lessons and concerts, homeschooling 2 kids, running two businesses . . . feeding everyone is tricky.  Feeding everyone healthy meals is even trickier!  I feel it is a priority to eat whole foods as close to their natural state…