Ultimate Recipe Swap: Soup

I know I break the rules when I post on this site because I love to cook and I love to share my ideas but I don’t really do recipes.  So this week I’m going to share my best “cheating” soup–because let’s be honest–we don’t all cook from scratch all the time!

I am writing a 31 day series about being honest–so I felt compelled to fit the honest part in someplace–but if you are interested in the “real series” you can read about me being fat, kids toys, my closet issue, things that scare me and an entire month of authenticity.

Chicken Chili

The first time I followed the recipe on the jar–then I began to experiment.

some of the goodies I add . . .

  1. Typically I add–onions, peppers, carrots sauté in butter or olive oil
  2. I pour the contents of the jar into the crock pot, then I add broth or water–(I freeze my homemade chicken broth and often use that) to the jar and shake to get all the good stuff out of the jar :-) my frugal tip
  3. I add the veggies to the crockpot
  4. Add cooked meat (or don’t), I use chicken from the grill, baked, or turkey leftovers–I’ve even used pork.
  5. I always add at least one can of beans–usually white beans but I use whatever I have.
  6. I also have added: celery, sweet potatoes, white potatoes, rice, and quinoa.

The soup just needs to be heated through but I often put it in the crock pot on the lowest setting–the flavors blend in a wonderful way.  I have also assembled the night before in the crock pot (put in the fridge) and then the next morning I plug it in and get going.

This soup is awesome on its own but I have served it with chips, tortillas, or as a side dish with nachos.

Be Blessed.

Linking up with the 2012 Countdown!

Ultimate Recipe Swap

Day 4/31: Honesty, Authenticity and Trust

Day 1, Day2, Day3 (a series to write for 31 days–my topic is honesty)

Day 4:  Let’s be honest–kids toys!

I had 4 kids in 5 years.  My once tidy house exploded and turned into a mini Toys R Us almost overnight.  I’m a thrift store shopper so I bought clothes and toys and even the most beautiful crib . . . all at thrift stores–since I was getting such a great deal on stuff I bought more than what I needed AND THAT WAS BEFORE THE BABY WAS BORN.

Then I wanted my kid to be a genius so I bought every baby Einstien toy, CD, DVD, flash card . . . out there.  Then came Tonka trucks and Bob the Builder–we have almost every Bob toy (and bedding/plates/cups . . . )–still!

Then my next child was a baby girl–the house exploded in pink and dolls!  I am forever grateful for each and every toy and piece of clothing that my kids have been given but it became more than too much.  Did I mention Care Bears–I’m pretty sure we had every single one . . .

where is that lego Mom?–you know the grey one that had a thingy off the side–I NEED it so the winds will move on my speeder.

My #3 and #4 have not had the volume of toys and clothes–they just don’t need it.  But we have managed to add Pet Shop and millions of more legos and duplos.

lego table–some days I really want this space! but for now they spend hours creating . . .

But still we have a playroom full of toys and closets that were overflowing–I purged the kids closets first and now they have 7 outfits winter, 7 outfits summer and a couple of swim suits.  That is all.

Duplos and Star Wars guys–you can’t buy this anywhere–only a little boy could make this.

So now that I have admitted that we have too much stuff and I want to make a change–how do I do that?

I need to say no.  I need to say no to cloths for me, food for me and toys for the kids.  It is so hard!

Christmas is coming and I do not want to get the kids plastic toys–last year I did a great job of getting them what they need–a new backpack, a electric toothbrush, I made knitted gloves and headbands.  This year I want to keep Christmas simple.  I have been “shopping” in the basement for things that we already have.

Duplos will always be everyones favorite! They can turn into anything.

It must start with me–I need to be able to say no to myself–and mean it and hold myself responsible then I can say no to them.  Because it really isn’t about the toys is it?  It is about setting boundaries and limitations.

I have identified the problem but I do not yet have a workable solution.  I welcome your loving recommendations.  I feel like if I had a scripture verse as a mantra for saying no that might help.  I think of St. Augustine “our hearts are restless until they rest in you” but that doesn’t quite work. . . I do feel restless.

I just want to say thank you for all of you who are following my 31 days of honesty and supporting not only me but all who read your comments.  I embrace the encouragement and my heart sings to have so many women (and men) being so positive in helping each other.

Thank you.

Thought Provoking Thursday
Thoughtful Thursday
Thankful Thursday
Life in Bloom
Thrive at Home Thursday, Thriving Thursday at Serving Joyfully

Day 3/31: Honesty, Authenticity, Truth

Day 1, Day 2

Day 3:  Let’s be honest, I have too many clothes!

My two favorite times in my wardrobe have been when I started working at University of Texas-Southwestern as the Administrator for Cancer Clinical Trials–it was a big deal kind of job–I loved that job and the challenge of “looking” Administrative.  Texas has a different standard for what women should look like and frankly–I stuck out like a sore thumb.  I didn’t really mind.  What I did love about that job is the new clothes that I bought for the job–I had 7 outfits that matched and mix matched perfectly.  I felt awesome each and everyday.

The second favorite time was 15 years later when I was pregnant for the 3rd time.  I wore the same 5 outfits for about a year–I loved how the clothes felt and loved having a successful pregnancy!  I even made jewelry to match the hues of green and purple.

Now I’m 20 years out . . . I have 20 years of clothes from size 4- size 18.  I’ll be honest I got rid of all size 20 and 22 after my 4th baby!  I just could not bear to have those sizes in my closet.  When we moved from MI to IL I purged my closet big time.  I got rid of it if:

  1. It was bigger than a size 18 or less than a size 14–tried to keep it realistic for myself.
  2. Maternity clothes (even two of my favorite sweaters!)
  3. Anything with a stain
  4. Any workout clothes that I wore when I ran 1/2 marathons–I would put the on and remember what I was rather than my current potential
  5. Anything broken, torn, needing repair–because even though I do sew–I knew it was just an excuse to keep something
  6. I got rid of things that I knew I spent a lot of money on–I no doubt bought it to make me happy and then felt guilty about spending the money.  I vowed that I would not buy any more clothes unless I had a need for them–that I have managed to maintain!
  7. Shoes . . . I have several pairs of sandals, 1 pair of brown boots, 1 pair of black boots and a couple pairs of Danskos . . . I did give away a ton of shoes from my dress up days.  I got rid of all my running shoes that were worn–no matter how well I did in the race.

Now I have a dresser, a lingerie chest and a small part of the closet.

I still feel like I have more to go through.  I have skirts that I will never wear as a Mom, workout clothes that will never feel sweat, too many trips to the outlet mall for one shirt here or there and now . . .

I want to have a limited number of outfits.  I want to spend less time in coordinating my clothes and more time living my life.  I want to simplify my closet.

I don’t want the excess that is in the world today!  I don’t want to buy the cute shirt at Target just because it is only $5 or $10 or whatever.  But it’s only $5 and it is Halloween . . . and won’t I look cute–feeling guilty and cute and made that I spent $5 that I didn’t need to spend.

I want to go shopping in my own closet and get rid of the rest.  I’ve read so many organizing post about how “many” clothes a women needs but the person writing that is not living my life–I get that it is just a guideline–but I take the suggestion too seriously and I get caught up in the number . . . so I will be coordinating and cleaning by outfit.  I get my clothes ready the night before by outfit–so why not organize my closet by outfit?

I’ll let you know how that works out for me!  I want to be more intentional in my shopping–not just for me but for my kids . . . oh my gosh–Christmas is coming!

That is my post for tomorrow . . . being honest in shopping for the kids and what will I do for Christmas without going broke!

Does your closet look like mine?

Today I’m linking up with these wonderful friends:

Walk With Him WednesdayDeep Roots At Home

Whatever Wednesday,God Bumps and God-Incidences,Unwrapping His Promises Living Well Wednesday,Women in the Word Wednesday,Works for Me Wednesday,wip-wednesday,