
I am a Writer.

I’m a writer.  That is was SHOULD have come out of my mouth when the women behind the counter at the doctors’ office asked “what do you do?”.

The question “what do you do?” caught me completely off guard.  My mind had a Secret Life of Walter Mitty, by James Thruber–moment.

Did she mean:

  • what were the 500 things I had to do that morning in order to get everyone out the door at 7:30 am–armed with backpacks, lunches, car schooling supplies, notes for one kid to take the bus home with another kid, making sure I had my previous medical records, the iPad, packing the basketball uniform in the backpack because that kid isn’t coming home before the game, getting dinner in the crock pot . . .
  • did she mean what am I planning on doing?
  • did she mean what do I do on an average day?  (no such thing)
  • the mental list went on and on about what I “do”.

Finally, after several moments of quiet, she asked me again–“what is your job?”, and again my mind couldn’t come up with one word.

Again, several moments went by, she asked “do you stay home” and that really sent me into a mind spin because–no, I’m rarely home.  I’m on the road A LOT or I’m getting everyone ready to be on the road.

I should have just said that I’m a writer.  That would have made her happy–but then she would have asked me “what do your write about?”.

I write about people like you–I would explain.  Then go back into the secret life inside my own mind–where I am free to be and I’m not labeled with just one word.

I’ve written a lot about finding my purpose, my journey, and where I want to go . . . but first I want to experience each moment to the fullest and find joy–

that is what I want to do–then write about it.

After I finished writing this . . . I had a nagging feeling.  It wasn’t what I wanted it to say.  Yes, I’ve very excited to go back and reread and redo the chapter of my life about writing. Writing all those years for other people and now I write for me and you.

But it isn’t really about being a writer–it is about writing about the being.  

Writing is how I share the excitement in my everyday boring/not always exciting, life is hard, different each day, not what I planned, routine–how can it be routine yet unplanned?  That’s what I can’t explain–I start out each day with a plan–and life happens!  The items on the list may not get checked off but “real life” is about the things that AREN’T on the list.

So the next time someones asks about what I do–I will say– “I write about being.”, (thinking of adding a “DUDE” so they have a better sense of the free to be vibe . . . even if I said all of that.  Some people still won’t get it.  (I’m ok with that–now at this season in my life.)

Be Blessed.

I’m linking up to  The Better MomHear it on Sunday, Use it on MondayPlaydates with God, Motivation Monday, Mindful Mothering, monday musings,