
Dear Chris,

Dear Chris,

I can’t pretend that I know you in an everyday way.  I keep up through Facebook and Christmas cards.  I’m on the very outer fringe of your life yet I’m deeply saddened by your death.

As I peek into your life and the stories that people have told on caring bridge, I can begin to understand a theme–you were gentle, kind, loving and respectful.  You did your best to enjoy life to the fullest.  What a great legacy to leave behind.

But why?  Why did you have to leave?  What about your husband or your kids?  What will happen?

What is the purpose?  I’m not sure.

Thank you Chris for the gift of your wonderful smile.

Be Blessed.


A few years past my severely handicapped step-brother was killed in a crazy accident involving a train.  I spoke at this funeral about how his life had meaning and purpose, even with so many challenges, he made a difference in each and every life that he touched.

I do not have any answers to the WHY? we die question but I can say that I have a better understanding of WHY WE LIVE.  I think of my step brother as a great teacher–he taught me that everyone has a purpose and each life has a plan.

I know that when he died it gave my life a new perspective.  I dropped my personal agenda and started living life in a new way.  I decided that I wanted to be genuine, authentic and transparent to my Soul.  Some days are better than others–sometimes it is  easy and comforting to go back to my cynical, competitive, and sarcastic ways, I find myself matching the cynical/sarcastic word/actions rather than being joyful and loving.  I’m thankful that a new day dawns so I can start over.

Thank you God for this life and for the life of Chris.  God please grant her loved ones peace, understanding and courage to meet each day.

Miscellany Monday
Hear it, Use It
Playdates with God
Multitudes on Monday
The Better Mom
Motivating Mondays 

On Your Heart
Soli Deo Gloria
Hip Homeschool Moms
Top {Ten} Tuesday
What I Learned This Week
Titus 2sdays
Teach Me Tuesday
Heart and Home Linkup

Walk With Him WednesdayDeep Roots At Home

Whatever Wednesday,God Bumps and God-Incidences,Unwrapping His Promises Living Well Wednesday,Women in the Word Wednesday,Works for Me Wednesday,wip-wednesday,

Company Girl Coffee, Friday Favorite Things, Faith Filled Friday, Just for fun FridaysConsider the Liliesin courage

{Mindful Mothering Mondays}, Mercy Mondays

Unlikely Friends=Sisterhood

This past summer I had an opportunity to spend time with some wonderful women.  Ok, it was more than that–I was invited to be part of a sisterhood.  I wasn’t exactly sure how I would fit in.

true sisterhood

I do not have the best track records with establishing friendships.  I lack confidence.  After several failed attempts–I expect nothing and my expectations are met!  I was really nervous, scared, and really didn’t know what to expect.

What I learned from being part of this wonderful group of women is that we are so similar even though they appear so different.  If I had seen these women in the grocery store or passing by them in the library I would not have EVER put this group of women in the same room.  These women were compassionate, encouraging, inspiring and thier honesty and transparency lifted me to a new place.  They lifted each other up.  I went from feeling scared and inadequate to feeling welcomed and honored.

I want to be like those women–my aspiration is to be as encouraging and inspiring as they were (in my everyday life and this blog)–they exuded peace and joy in a way that I have never experienced.  They embraced each other even though they seemed so different.  I could feel their love.  I felt their wisdom.

When will I be like these women?  So I asked.  The answer that I was given is that I am evolving and I need to be patient and continue to learn and grow.  I need to listen to my soul, I need to dance with my soul, I need to hear my soul sing and hum along.  What awesome advice.

I do believe that I am a kindred spirit with those women.  (I hope they feel the same way).  I think about them often and pray for them–that they may continue to be themselves and encourage others just by being.

So now when I’m in the grocery store or the library I look at women and wonder . . . could they be part of my sisterhood?  I am blessed with an awesome everyday friend–the beginnings of my own sisterhood.  I’m looking forward to this new chapter of my life.  To find peace and joy in just being me–how cool would that be?

What does a sisterhood mean to you?  Is it important to you?  Do you have your own sisterhood?  Has your past friendships helped or hindered your want/need/desire/longing to be part of a sisterhood?

Be Blessed.

Walk With Him WednesdayDeep Roots At Home

Whatever Wednesday,God Bumps and God-Incidences,Unwrapping His Promises Living Well Wednesday,Women in the Word Wednesday,Works for Me Wednesday,wip-wednesday, Company Girl Coffee, Friday Favorite Things, Faith Filled Friday, Just for fun FridaysConsider the Lilies, in courage

Dear Me,

Today I’m linking up with a special blog, Chatting with The Sky, and with some of my other favorite blogs listed at the end of this post.

from chatting with the sky:

Why write a letter?

This younger generation is all around us, but sometimes we forget the types of things they are thinking and walking through. As a way to introduce my new book, Graceful, I wanted to encourage my peers to remember what it was like to be sixteen again.

Perhaps writing a letter to ourselves will help us to see the people who are sixteen still. And maybe be moved with compassion on their behalf.

I have been thinking about writing this letter to me for at least a week now.  I thought that I would easily just put down a few things and be done.  NOT.  So here is my effort to write a letter to myself . . .

The Back Story:

You see, I did not have the best childhood.  Well, I did have a great childhood–until my dad died when I was 7.  I came home from school with my brother and found him dead.  Then my brother left to get help leaving me with my dad–meanwhile, my Mom calls (like she did every day at that time) and I tell her that Dad is laying on the kitchen floor and he won’t wake up for me–I hear the click.  I can still her that click in my mind–you under 35 crowd may have never experienced a true “click” before.

But before you give me the whoa is me–that is a horrible thing.  It gets worse.  Much worse.  My mom get married within two years of my dad dying and I just did’nt get it.  Then this new Dad–that I never, ever, called Dad–changes everything.  Like physically changes everything.  The land, the pond, what we grew on our farm . . .  gets rid of all of my animals.

During this process I lose whatever kind of a Mom that I had.  She mentally checks out and doesn’t really ever come back in the same way–the way that I think that I need her.  My oldest brother hit the road and my other brother just three years older than I endure a life that is not pleasant.  We both moved out of the abusive house as soon as we could.  For me it was 17.  I thought when I left that I would be free of the abuse–and I was but I was broken to say the least.

My step father was very ill and I came back home the next summer to take care of him.  We had Hospice care during the day, I worked my day job and took over the hospice care in the evening.  My young life was filled with giving this man, a man who was so abusive, his shots, tube feedings, breathing treatments.  My Mom was at a friends house, at the pool enjoying a few cocktails, while I kept the night watch.  Night after night it was the same thing . . . all summer long.  He died three days after my 19th birthday.  I watched him take his last breaths.  I thought that maybe “now” I would be free–but I was still broken.

A week later (after the funeral) I left.  I was 19 and made 10 years of bad choices.  Only by the grace of God did I manage to survive.  I do not exaggerate.  I did not always have food or a place to sleep.  I found the world to be a cold, hard place–there is no compassion for the poor and begging.

Oh, did I mention that my Mom got married again–she was engaged 6 months after she buried her second husband.

So I had a really crappy childhood.  If I wrote a letter to myself–about how I would turn out I would have never believed myself.  I don’t think that I could have given myself hope.  I was broken but not yet blessed.

I’m not sure just when it happened (after editting that is a lie–I know exactly when it happened).  Long after I was married, long after I had my babies, long after listening to Oprah say “your past does not define your future” a million times on every show about abuse–shows that I had to watch.  I felt compelled to watch.   Those broken women were telling my story.  But those were women on TV–it was Oprah.  They weren’t like me.

I’m in a bible study and the leader tells of her abusive childhood.  I couldn’t breath.  Her story was my story and she wasn’t famous (yet).  And you know what–no one gave her a pity party.  They were shocked and suprised but they didn’t treat her differently or like a victim.  They didn’t minimize who she is by what had happened.  That moment I had the courage to go home and tell my husband everything.  I hadn’t told anyone ever!  And you know what he didn’t treat me any differently–he may actually have a better understanding of why I am the way I am!   He still loves me.  I think that was my biggest fear or just his reaction.  Would he still want me.  That is a horrible feeling.  The not knowing.

I cried and he held me.

I woke up the next morning feeling as though the world was just a little brighter and I was able to breath a lot easier.  I no longer felt shame, broken, or unloved.  The words of Oprah kept playing in my head, “you are not defined by what happened to you”.

When my friend told her story–that inspired me and gave me the courage to move to a better place.  I am forever grateful for her courage and her fortitude.  I thank God for putting me in the bible study–that moment was years in the making for Him.  I also thank all of the women who showed such compassion.  Without knowing it–they changed how I felt broken into how I feel blessed.

So that is the back story.  We all have one.  I would invite you to think about the back story of the women in our lives . . . I invite you to show compassion to everyone.

My life now is the husband of my dreams, the kids that are perfect for our family (more to come????), a house that I love, my cabin (that my biological dad built) that over looks the lake, I’m a homeschooling mom who gets to finally write about my life and how it ALL serves God–even the crappy stuff.

Talking like my 13 year old self:  “Like I’m totally going to believe any of that $%#^&*.  I am worthless and I don’t believe that anyone really cares if I live or die.”  I don’t need you, I can’t trust you, and nothing matters.”

My 46 year old answer:  “I know of 6 others who totally care–in fact they wouldn’t be here without you, not to mention a bunch of friends, and all the animals that you have nutured over the years.  Your life is going to be awesome–you just need to be patient for the next 33 years–yeah, I know that seems like a long time but you’ll be busy.”

Thank you for reading this far!  My hope is that when you see a young girl or young man you will think of my story–that you will in some small way show compassion.  A genuine knowing smile can go a long way.  And please remember when people are at the very bottom . . . they can’t see out.  They need something bigger than you and I–they need prayers, they need grace, they need to be able to hear their soul sing, they need to feel the presence of God and know that they are loved–no matter what.

I tell my kids that–no matter what–I love you.  That is all that I ever wanted to hear . . .

Be Blessed my friends.  If you are so incline please pray for me–that I will continue to find peace and show unlimited compassion to all that I meet.  That I may not forget the road that has lead me to finally finding peace.

Miscellany Monday
Hear it, Use It
Playdates with God
Multitudes on Monday
The Better Mom
Motivating Mondays 

{Mindful Mothering Mondays}