

I’ve been absent for Joyful Mom!  I’ve been Joyful in other places :-)

We have been purging the house.  It didn’t actually start out as a plan.  It wasn’t on the calendar.  It just has sort of “happened.”   Last week my daughter said “I can’t put my clothes away!!!” and I was thinking “no kidding–you never fold anything, you keep everything on the floor and then cram it into any drawer when you hear me coming up the stairs (in a non-joyful way). . . ”  When finished stomping up the stairs, I looked at the amount of clothes she had  I was amazed–I didn’t buy her all of these clothes . . .

Then I realized, when her older sister grows out of something . . . it goes to her drawer . . . so now she has double of everything!  I dropped everything– thinking that it would be an easy chore . . . just a little sorting . . . (If you give a mom a simple chore . . . )

  1. Girls clothes, sorted first by one fits, secondly, by season, and then out of season clothes staying in their room just up on the shelf.
  2. In order to use the shelf space I needed to open boxes that were just stuck up there since we moved . . . the girls needed to make hard decisions about their treasure and the amount of American Girl doll stuff.
  3. They LOVE the American Girl Dolls but it isn’t fun to play when everything is all over the place so we needed a plan for where.
  4. Ken (the carpenter) finished “American Girl Dollville) the place under the stairs–a hang out for the girls (pictures soon) so they worked on that area.
  5. Girls getting American Girl Dollville organized is taking longer than they thought–they have more than what they first thought about–now we need hangers . . .
  6. Created a makeshift office for my husband in the guest room.  That required:  moving 1 dresser into the boys room, moving the other dresser over to the other wall, clearing off a table from the basement (I have a huge basement project ongoing, I write about it here and a lot more through this series of honesty), clearing out under the bed.
  7. The clearing out under the bed I found my Christmas pillows that I “lost” and all the flannel sheets . . .
  8. When I found the flannel sheets I had to put them in the linen closet–which I needed to organize first.
  9. After I cleared out the linen closet I had to create another box for goodwill, a pile of things to take pictures of for Joyful Mom, and lots of toiletries to go to our local homeless shelter.
  10. Then tackled the boys room:  the dresser from the guest room replaced a rickety old dresser (that will now be used in American Girl Dollville), went through all the clothes, made piles for Goodwill, and cleared out Legos and Bionicle.
  11. Now I have several piles in the garage going out . . . I’m happy about that.
  12. In the midst of all of this I bought a desk for my daughter at a resale place that supports a pet rescue–
  13. When we bought the desk we needed to clear out the homeschool room,
  14. I had two extra desks which I found homes for . . .
  15. I wanted to clean and organize while we were at it . . .

the new desk is on the right, the table is a place for kids computer and a work space for a middle schooler and the turtles are in the tank. The fish are now on the desk–a work in progress!

a cleared out kitchen cupboard, which I did fill with a few cookbooks from the basement.

a cleared out kitchen cupboard, which I did fill with a few cookbooks from the basement.

Our ongoing projects are to:

  1. Organize our master bedroom closet.
  2. Go through all of the kitchen cupboards–PURGE!
  3. Decide if we want the current homeschool room to be moved into the basement or to have the basement be a “hang out place” and a craft area for the girl and me?
  4. The basement project will take the longest–I’m having Ken put in some shelves, we need to ruthlessly go through everything . . . but I’m ready–the time is right.  Emotionally I’m in a good spot to tackle this project.

How about you . . . do you live a life of resembling “If you give a mouse a cookie.”  Do your start one thing and have it snowball into a huge project?  or Do you start with one intention and then realize part way through that what you are doing doesn’t serve your purpose?  I would love to hear your stories.  Please tell me I’m not alone!

Linking up I should be mopping the floorCraftastic Partymotivation mondaycreate with joy, Busy Mondaysmindful mothering, and with AnnThe Better MomRediscovering DomesticityTitus 2 TuesdayTeach Me TuesdayTitus (2)sdaysGradituesdaysHeart and HomeWhatever Works WednesdayWisdom Wednesday, Show and Share WednesdaySaturday Show and Share.