Vegan Candy

Too much booty? How to get rid of your extra candy loot!

If your kids go trick or treating on Halloween, do you end up fighting over the candy for weeks?  I did!

Here is my solution to this pain in the butt problem!

  1. Let the kids enjoy the “bounty” they have received.  I mean–its fun to have an abundance.  Let this be a teaching moment on abundance–how much is too much and what do you really “need”.
  2. Let them do all the trading that they want for the MOST prized pieces of candy.
  3. Let their parents buy our favorite candy from the kids :-)  I love banana laffy taffy (and once a year I eat it!)
  4. The kids pick out 30 pieces of candy–one for each day of November.
  5. Each child gets his or her own bag of candy to manage.  After all, if they binge eat 30 pieces . . . they won’t feel well but then it’s gone!  (but the house rule of only eating in the kitchen still stands–if I find wrappers anywhere . . . I get EVERYONE’S bags!)
  6. Each day in November they decorate a “thanksgiving tree” (just a branch that has recently fallen down in our yard–we have plenty to chose from!) with a little scrap of paper that dangles from multi-colored yarn with gratitude.

Call to Action:

Consider giving out candy that is organic and non-chocolate.  I wrote this article, Top 1O vegan candies offering some suggestions.  This year, I am giving out Annie’s bunnies and gummies.  Last year I gave out bags of pretzels that I had purchased through the school’s market day program.  I’m always looking for ways to help nourish our bodies and minds in a healthy way AND give back in an additional way.

[Tweet “Renee has great ideas on how to manage Halloween candy! Check it out!”]

Be blessed as we enter this season of Thanksgiving!


Vegan Halloween

Why I want a Vegan Halloween

Halloween begins the “holiday” season in our house.

  1. Halloween proper, not to mention the various other school/soccer/band/art parties!  Now I love a good party but too much is still too much.
  2. Birthday Party for my #2 kid.
  3. Thanksgiving.
  4. Birthday Party for my #3 kid.
  5. Christmas Eve (my new tradition is to have a big Polish 12 dishes meal.)
  6. Christmas Day (I fill the kids stockings with their favorite treats.)
  7. New Year’s Eve.
  8. New Year’s Day.

That is a boat load of cakes, cookies, fudge and candies–some are vegan and some are not.

My intention for myself is to not eat animal products, to eat as close to the source as possible, rarely eat anything that comes from a box, I’m certainly not perfect but I do my best to align with my own personal values.  Each member of my family has a different set of personal values . . . this is where it gets a bit tricky, lots of namaste moments and tons of respect.  From everyone.

I’d like to promote compassionate celebrations . . . that is my bottom line.


How I have a Vegan Halloween

I’m not the kinda girl who recreates the wheel.  I’m a cheerleader!  I love to share what others are doing.  I know my limitations!  And my gifts.  This is where I went to create my vegan Halloween.

  1. 10 Halloween Recipes that include hummus and cupcakes.  The bloody fingers were kind of gross and cool at the same time!
  2. This is an amazing Pumpkin Pudding Latte Cake from Oh She Glows!  and it’s Gluten Free!
  3. Amazing Vegan Pumpkin Caramels.  So good.  Seriously good.  Just stop reading this and go make them!  They are that good!!!

What I discovered (and I’m disappointed about)

Lots and lots of “vegan” recipes aren’t really vegan.  Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I sometimes don’t read labels as closely as I should BUT if I make something that uses honey (which is rare) I would say 98% vegan, includes honey.  Or chocolate is another thing that typically isn’t vegan but where I live . . . I can’t find it.  So I need to get it while I’m traveling back home in Ann Arbor or mail order it–a minor pain in the tukus.

That is my pet peeve, when I get something different from what is presented.

pumpkin jedi

Do you want to eat and live with more compassion?

[Tweet “I’m living a more compassionate life! Thanks Renee <3”]

If your goal is to eat and live with more compassion and gratitude you may want to consider getting a email from me each week on how I eat and live with L.O.V.E., compassion and gratitude.  I’m not perfect but I try really really hard–it is in failing and getting back up each time that I learn more about my authentic self.

Be Blessed as we eat and live with L.O.V.E., compassion and gratitude.


French Toast Sticks (Dairy Free)

French Toast Sticks!

Dairy Free French Toast Sticks were a hit on Instagram this week!  This recipe is not vegan.  I tried to make it vegan and it didn’t work.  I was a bit bummed.  I was also not thrilled with how they turned out . . . but my kids assured me that they were perfect!  I didn’t add powdered sugar but I thought about it.  What bugged me was the inconsistent coloring . . . I know, I know–who gives a shizzle?  But I do.  I like things a certain way.  Next time I will cook them on the griddle and see how they look!


The Recipe (such that it is . . . I don’t really like recipes.)

  1. cut a stack of bread into 4 pieces.
  2. crack 3 eggs in a bowl, whisk.  add almond milk until the mixture is less yellow and more white–that is the perfect “wash” for the bread.  If you are using eggs and milk it is the same thing–add the milk until the mixture isn’t yellow.
  3. add the bread to the mixture one slice at a time, turning to coat them.
  4. place the “sticks” into the hot oiled/buttered/earth balanced pan–same temp as for pancakes.
  5. enjoy!

[Tweet “I just watched Renee’s short video on how to make perfect french toast sticks!”]

Don’t Forget

This is a great make ahead meal AND a great lunch meal.  I have also frozen them for traveling or for breakfast.  I play around with different breads . . .

What to do next?

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Be Blessed as you eat and live with love, gratitude and compassion.